
Kuching Division English Language Parlimentary Style Debate Competition For Secondary Schools 2015

SMK St. Joseph emerged champion in the Kuching Division English Language Parliamentary Style Debate Competition for Secondary Schools 2015. The debaters were lead by Teacher-in-Charge Madam Sii Siaw Zin and Mr Raden Amri Bin Raden Othman.

16 schools competed in the competition which was held at SMK St. Joseph from 25th – 27th March 2015.

During the final round which was held in Tan Sri William Tan Auditorium on 27th of April 2015 SMK St. Joseph (Opposition) defeated SMK Kuching High (Government) on the motion “This House Believes That the Government Should Outlaw All Violent Video Games”.

The championship trophy was presented by the Kuching Division Education Officer Dr Sluhi Bin Hj Lamat during the closing ceremony. The team will represent Kuching in the upcoming State Level English Language Parliamentary Style Debate Competition for Secondary Schools held in Sri Aman from 21st – 24th of April 2015.

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