The Old Josephian Association organized a marathon of career talks on surveying, architecture and law for 80 St Joseph`s Form 5 and Form 6 students, 30 St Thomas`s students and 10 students from SMK Kuching High on the 6th August 2014, 2 -3.30pm. The talks were also arranged in conjunction with the RIMUP programme where schools in the same zone met and shared information while practising goodwill. Sr Jonathan Ngu and Sr Mohd Muazziz from The Royal Institution of Surveyors Malaysia (Sarawak Branch), Ar Felix Wee and Ar Wee Hii Min of the Malaysian Institute of Architects (Sarawak Chapter) and Addy Termizi, Esq. from The Advocates` Association of Sarawak briefed the attendees on the specifications and scope of work, the career prospects and the expectations on surveying, architecture and the legal career respectively. It was indeed a 2-in-1 occasion when the crowd adjourned for a Hari Raya high tea buffet where mingling established bonding among the organisers, speakers and attendees.
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